If you've ever Googled a random question, you've certainly seen wikiHow answers in the search results. With their signature cartoony graphics and a thorough solution to life's big and small problems, I was thrilled to jump aboard!
The process of becoming a featured expert was fun. A wikiHow representative interviewed me via telephone. I wasn't exactly sure of the specific questions he'd ask. But I felt ready. You see, after hundreds of Zoom consultations with prospective clients and daters, I've heard it all. And most daters want the same thing: to feel secure with someone who brings equal value to the relationship. Bam, that's it. So when I answered my interviewer's questions - it was through that lens in various forms. I gave advice on "meeting the parents", "how to flirt", "the right time to text back," and so on.
Our conversation yielded 15 wikiHow articles! Here's links to all of them.